About us
Getting Ready
Book your scan
What is the Sapiens project?
Who are Ten24?
How will my data be used?
What is a 3D Face Scan and How Does it Work?
Can I participate in the 3D scanning if I have photosensitivity?
How does this process work?
Why do you need my personal details like age, gender, and ethnicity?
Would my face be suitable for your 3D scans?
How should I prepare for my scanning session?
How will I be compensated for my time?
Where is the studio located and how do I get there?
Do I need to sign anything?
If I am ill should I still come?
What if I have to cancel or reschedule my appointment?
Is this wheelchair accessible?
Why do you have to be over 18 to participate?
Why Sheffield?
Why Orchard Square?
Do you vet participants?
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